
Setting java_home on mac for every session
Setting java_home on mac for every session

setting java_home on mac for every session

I don't know if you can set the JRE options like this, but it's worth a shot. Crash when a HIPE session is left unattended for a long time with Java 7 on Mac OS X, after any display change like: setting resolution, configuring. On my Win 7 system it's in AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment. For my organization, we occasionally have problems with the JRE's caching causing problems, so I disable it with =false and prevent users from changing the value with = If you're not sure about the syntax, make the changes for yourself and look at the deployment.properties file normally located in C:\Documents and Settings\\Local Settings\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment.

setting java_home on mac for every session

1)on running ls -lgrep bashprofile,no file is shown 2)For every session. The deployment.properties file contains the properties that you want to set system-wide, one per line. I am trying to set the user environment variables in home directory in. The nfig contains a pointer to a deployment.properties file, as below:ĭ=file\:C\:/Windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/deployment.properties For bash shell, export JAVAHOME at /.bashprofile or /.bashrc. Find out which shell you are using, bash or zsh For zsh shell, export JAVAHOME at /.zshenv or /.zshrc. You need to create a file named nfig and put it in either %SystemRoot%\Sun\Java\Deployment or your JRE's \lib\ directory. Steps to set the JAVAHOME environment variable on macOS.Suppose FICO Xpress is installed at /Applications/FICO Xpress/xpressmp. Maybe you can try modifying a System Deployment Properties file? Short version of usage below: Additional settings for environment variables are required for R.

Setting java_home on mac for every session